It’s been party time around here! I celebrated my “50th” Birthday with about 76 guests Saturday night. My husband and friends were really busy these last 2 months planning this party and pulling it off. They surprised me “big time.”
Saturday night I thought we were going to watch my husband win an award for “Service work” he did for Rotary. He even had an invitation on Rotary letter head sent in the mail to our house. So, I was convinced we were going to a Rotary dinner. Then as I rounded the corner and walked into the large room I see family and friends and they yell “Surprise” and sing Happy Birthday! What a treat! A huge blessing! The love of all my friends and family sharing and celebrating with me was a very special night! Memories to last a lifetime!
As I reflect back to how God has blessed me so much, by giving me incredible friends who love me so well, I see how far he has brought me. As I give more and all of myself to Him, He has been so faithful back to me. Life is not always surprise birthday parties and there are challenges and disappointments but I hang on during those times realizing God is good and He is forever faithful to me. There are ups and downs as any Christian experiences in life, but having a personal relationship with Him has been an incredible thing for me. Leaning on Him each day and not living for the things this world tells us are important, has been such a life changing event for me. The most important thing is accepting His MIGHTY LOVE because without HIM my life would not be so FULL and I would be spiraling down in bitterness and sorrow.
Friends, I rebelled for years thinking I did not need Him. I wanted to be “cool” and be into what the world thought was “cool.” I believed in Him but did not seek Him for my everyday living. When I started to let HIM LOVE ME only like HE CAN LOVE, then the walls started to come down and I was able to actively seek HIM. I started out reading and trying to understand the Bible, then I got connected into a church with a Sunday School class where I was being taught the Word. The more my faith grew the more I understood. The Holy Spirit guides us along this path of growing us and helping us to learn. I started Beth Moore bible studies which were a powerful gift for me. She has taught me so much through using TRUTH of the Word to show us “His way” is better than “our way.” Let me tell you, I do not get life right and I still make mistakes but through His LOVE , GRACE, TRUTH and WORD, He is blossoming me into a new creature. I am letting my old self die and continuing to live the good life of Christ!
2 Corinthians 5:17
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Romans 12:2
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
How true that there is a difference between believing in Him and actually letting God into our lives. You are a true testament of what God can do when we open the door to let Him in! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Kathy. It is so neat to see God working in your life!