As a mother for almost 29 years now, I have celebrated many Mother’s Days. But today I think about this day and how hard it might be for those who wish motherhood would happen for them and to be called a mother, they would desire it dearly, but for them it has not yet happened. To add to this how about the ones who no longer have their mother here with them on Mother’s Day or the ones who have lost a child and are doing Mother’s Day without out their precious gifts. Or even for the ones who have not had any contact from their son or daughters for some time now. For some, it’s a day of great joy and for others it is a day of great sadness.
This day is about LOVE and HONORING those who we love! I am blessed by having my Mother and two twenty something sons here on Earth to celebrate this DAY. I might not always do or say the right things as a Mother, but I hope my boys know they are very special to me. I feel like mothering is a tough thing to get right at any age, but I deeply feel parenting twenty somethings is really hard. They are not children anymore, now they are adults and making their own choices. I need to remind myself to keep taking 3 steps back and let them make their choices even if these choices are ones I am not sure about. I want to love them unconditionally and let me tell you I pray for them like continually! They are good men. (did I really just say that~MEN) Yes, they are men and are loved always and forever! They are a very special gift!
For me, I have one son, who every year is not with me. He is in Heaven and I miss him so, but I am so glad to know that one day because of salvation I will see Him soon again. (I love the HOPE that my faith brings.) He is always in my heart, holding a very special place in this Momma’s heart!
To all of you out there with hurts and longings today, I am praying the Lord will meet you in the place where you need Him most! I know it is not a Happy Mother’s Day for everyone!
Praying you feel the LOVE of CHRIST today and everyday!
Thanks Mary…this “hits the nail on the head”. It is a bittersweet day….three of my four children showered me with their love..and one did no such thing. I had to really focus on the fact that someday I will hear from him…someday perhaps the two pink azalea bushes that he gave me on Mothers Day three short years ago, will represent reconciliation instead of rejection. Until that day, Mothers Day and pink azaleas, old photos, and childhood memories will remain bittersweet. Thankfully the Lord sees my tears, hears my prayers….and rejoices with me in what is good.
So sorry for the hurt yesterday! I am so glad the other three showered you with love. Mother’s Day is not always a blessing for many. I will continue to pray for your momma’s heart and for reconciliation with your son. Love you sweet friend!
Thanks Mary…its better now. The Mothers Day hoopla really got to me this year. Seems like a bigger deal was made in the stores, along the side of the road, on facebook, in church…I could not escape. I am just grieving…no way to get around it….just have to low through it. I’ve been down this road before…and thankfully it waxes and wanes. Thanks for your prayer. God is our comforter.
I am praying for you!
Your post makes me ponder. It seems like even in our celebrations there should be a hint of humility and modesty being aware of those around us who hurt and long. I haven’t figured out how these seemingly opposites can be combined but, actually, what you wrote is a good example.